A Love Letter to My Gym

A love letter to my gym? What? That’s weird. I agree. But I don’t know how I would have made it through this summer without this gorgeous swimming pool!
This was my third August in Spain. The first year, we arrived on July 30. We had a lot to do to get settled in and joining the gym didn’t happen until a bit later. So we were hot, sweaty messes running around getting things done and needed a minimum of two showers a day.
By our second August in Valencia (2022), we had the gym figured out, but wait, what? The pool is closed? For the summer? Are you kidding me?
Then in the fall, they drained it, did some repairs, resurfaced, painted and then months later, well after I would consider jumping into a cold pool, it was ready for use.
When summer 2023 rolled around, I was ready and have made use of this pool many, many times. July and August have been particularly brutal, so just knowing I had the gym’s beautiful pool to go to made the long, hot days bearable.
I usually went late afternoon as did my fellow swimmers. We were mostly two, sometimes three to a lane. No problem. EVERYONE was nice about sharing. How cool is that!
Love you, Abastos Swimming Pool! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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«EVERYONE was nice about sharing. How cool is that!»
This is the Spain I am getting to know. And it is VERY cool.
Yes, it is!
P.S. it was also brutal this summer. All my local friends say it was weird and worse than usual.
Yes, I only have these two others to compare it to, but I have heard and read the faces of many who seem to feel it’s been far worse this year.
Hi Martha,
My wife and I moved to Valencia from Florida last week.
We live in La Petxina.
We were looking for a gym when I saw your post.
We joined today, went to our first class, and we’re thrilled with the facility.
I swim too, so maybe I’ll run into you.
We’re so glad you are a member and wrote about it!
Hi Carey,
Welcome to Valencia! So glad you found the post helpful and are now enjoying the gym too. Let me know if I can be of any help as you are getting settled.
I sort of know how you feel since our local “centre aquatique” O2 Falaises is like my second home. Except I live on the Channel coast in the north of France and it is wet and cold here a lot of the time. This morning it was sunny and beautiful and no way it could rain this afternoon. But the tide came in at around 4 pm and now at 6 pm it is chilly and raining. But I love it here and would not move for all the sun in the south of Spain.
Hi Maite,
I understand – when you feel at home, there’s no better feeling. It doesn’t matter what others say or think, there’s always pros and cons anywhere we go. We choose the best option for us and know that we’re lucky to do it.
Thank you for reading and commenting.