About me


I’m Martha, a travel writer and author passionate about travel and living abroad. My book and blog are written in hopes of encouraging others take action sooner rather than later.

We’ve all thought at one time or another, “I’d love to do that, not now, but someday.” Sadly, nothing says we’ll live until someday comes or have the good health to enjoy it then. Another BIG reason to do it now is that you can enjoy the memories and the impact for the rest of your life!

Currently, I’m in my fourth year living in Valencia, Spain. My husband John and I have also lived in Italy, and I wrote a book about the two years we lived in Rome titled, “Times New Roman: How We Quit Our Jobs, Gave Away Our Stuff & Moved to Italy. View pictures of our tiny apartment (pre social media perfection) and listen to a radio interview with Mike the Wine Guy.

When I look back, it’s the trips I didn’t take I regret the most. Prague, I’m coming one day! Here’s my latest post about a trip I worried would cost too much. “One Trip, 8 Lessons: 4 Foolish Things I Did & 4 Things I Did Right.”

I’ve been dreaming of visiting the south of France, sipping wine, devouring fabulous pastries, smelling the flowers and strolling around a charming village. I aim to make that happen in the next few months. I’d love to hear from you! Write to me at martha@marthamillerwrites.com.

The hand-written word "Martha"

2 Comments on “About me

  1. Hi,

    I wanted you to know that you planted a seed, and now we’re going to water it to see how it grows. My wife, Tami, and I are going to Rome next week. It will be our first trip together overseas, and we’re excited. I did a quick search for a book about Rome and found yours after I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about how a traveler made it his practice to visit places he read about in novels and true crime stories. He said that such places were often off the tourist paths and much richer. So, Rick Steves’ tour book and your book will be our guides.

    We did a search of the street your apartment was on and the restaurant that you said you visited on your last day. I asked myself whether you kept up with such things. The door of your apartment is now appears covered in vines; the restaurant seems to be closed, but there is a restaurant next door by the same name. Same place, but different location, maybe? Tami found that Google keeps a photographic history of locations. It was fun to see how your door changed, not so much, over the years until it now looks to be covered. Rome, time, history. The photo history begs the question of what stories and memories were made there over the last 20 years since you were there. It made me think about our own adventures, how it is so easy to think of places to be frozen in time.

    All this to say that your book, your story, inspired us, gave us a link to another real person we can think about when we visit, and hopefully, walk some of your paths….without the “slurch.”

    I once dreamed of being a writer. Instead, I became an engineer. At 63, I realize that may never be a writer, but I’ve started writing notes such as this to let people know that they’ve made a difference. I think we all want such affirmation. Money, although good, rarely communicates whether the activities for which we’ve been compensated make a difference, whether anyone cares. I also think about the things that I did 20+ years ago. Much is hard to remember. Many more memories get in the way.

    Blather, blather, I’ll stop. I’m sure you get the point.

    Thank you for sharing your life back then. But, wait, I have another thought.

    We attended a Ben Folds concert last Friday night. Lindsay Kraft, an American actress, opened the show by vamping on the piano. She started with a reflection about beginnings and endings. She said that we often think we know where a beginning is leading, but we don’t really understand the significance of a beginning until we see the ending. I leave it to you to connect the dots between your book and our travel. The story is not over.

    Warm regards,

    David Burke

    P.S. Go see Ben Folds if you get the chance.

    • Hi David,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. Your letter is beautiful and fills me with joy! My intention in writing about our life was exactly what you’ve expressed, to encourage others to take chances and live their dreams. I’m thrilled you and Tami will be walking the same cobbles down Vicolo del Bologna and all around Trastevere in just a few days! You’re right about how things will have changed. The last time we visited was about eight years ago and the door looked quite different then. Friends Marty and Sherry, who are mentioned in the book and took the cover photo, were there recently and sent me new photos that match what you’re saying. It was kind of a shock. I must get back soon! Have a wonderful time and please feel free to keep in touch. Thank you, again! Martha

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